About Us
The Warrior Reunion Foundation was born out of a deep understanding of the unique camaraderie shared by those who have served in combat. We recognize the power of these bonds and the healing potential they hold.
Our team is dedicated to organizing and funding reunions that bring together combat veterans who served together, creating an environment for shared memories, growth, and lasting support.

The Warrior Reunion Foundation was born out of a deep understanding of the unique camaraderie shared by those who have served in combat. We recognize the power of these bonds and the healing potential they hold.
Our team is dedicated to organizing and funding reunion events that bring together veterans from the same units, creating an environment for shared memories, growth, and lasting support.

Our team is made up entirely of veterans who have walked the same path as those we serve, including many of our volunteers.
Each member of our dedicated staff has experienced the unique challenges and rewards of military service, have served in the same regions, and faced similar circumstances as the veterans we seek to reconnect.

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of financial transparency and responsibility. Since our establishment in 2017, we have consistently ensured that over ninety percent of all contributions directly support our reunion efforts.
This commitment to maximizing the impact of our donors' generosity is a testament to our unwavering dedication to our mission and the veterans we serve.
What’s at Stake?
America’s warriors share an unbreakable bond. Formed in the cauldron of combat, the connection between those who have fought our nation’s wars endures long after the fields of battle fall silent. But as our veterans transition to life after service they often find themselves separated from their most important resource: each other.
Warrior Reunion Foundation solves this problem. Our reunions help warriors thrive in life after service by building peer support networks one unit at a time.How We Support
We train together. We fight together. We cannot successfully transition alone. Our program connects combat veterans with the only population that can offer real “peer support” – the “battle buddies” they served with in combat.
Our unique model eliminates the most common barriers to engagement by mobilizing the unparalleled trust of personal relationships at the small unit level, while covering all costs associated with attending a reunion.You Can Help
“Thank you for your service” should mean more than a handshake or a yellow ribbon. By partnering with our team, your family, club, organization, company, or community can help sponsor a reunion to reconnect a combat veteran unit that has fought for our nation.
We connect you directly with a unit that is planning a reunion, mobilizing grass-roots support to help them realize their reunion vision. Through shared experience we build lasting relationships between our veterans and communities across America.